
Course Information

Introduction to Mathematical Proofs (MAT 211)

Term: 2018-2019 Spring


Paul FelkerShow MyInfo popup for Paul Felker
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Mon-Wed, 8:50 AM - 10:40 AM (1/23/2019 - 5/13/2019) Location: QUIN S 201


This course introduces the student to the formal methods of mathematical proof. Course topics include set theory, logic, proof by contrapositive, existence proofs, proof by contradiction, mathematical induction, proof by counterexample, mathematical conjectures, equivalence relations, congruence Modulo n, the integers Modulo n and simple proofs in Number Theory. This course serves as a necessary conceptual bridge from the undergraduate study of calculus to more advanced mathematics courses involving proofs and analysis. Prerequisite: MAT 204, MAT 205 and MAT 209 are recommended.